Confused About Cochineal? Ask Kathy!

…has yielded from cochineal dye has often varied. I know from reading your site (and Amy DuFault’s blog post), that Botanical Colors’ cochineal process typically starts with the silvery purple…

A Perfect Red: A Story of Cochineal

…news that there was no cochineal extract available. Cochineal growers decided that the cost and effort of raising cochineal was too steep for the prices they were being paid and…

Pretty In Pink : Cochineal Instructions

…Dictionary being used to describe pale reds is the late seventeenth century”.  Our recipe today comes from the historically charged and potently packed insect cochineal. 100g of whole cochineal insects…

Dyeing For Dummies: The Wonders of Cochineal

…began to smell like hints of death warmed over. Cochineal is a red dye consisting of dried female cochineal insects that feed on the nopal cactus, sucking moisture and nutrients…

Whole Cochineal Insects

Whole Cochineal Insects

Whole Cochineal Insects 100g of Whole Cochineal Insects will dye about 900 grams (2 pounds) of fiber to a deep red shade. For detailed instructions, please see our page on…

Cochineal Insect Instructions

Our cochineal insect instructions will help extract color from cochineal insects, native of Mexico and South America. These insects are a traditional way of obtaining brilliant reds, pinks, and purples. It…

A Closer Look at the History of Cochineal

…Rio de Janeiro and took aboard prickly pear cactus plants containing colonies of the Cochineal insects for this purpose. Sadly, the insects died out before an industry could get off…