Lake Pigments for Painting with Soy with Natalie Stopka

Lake Pigments for Painting with Soy with Natalie Stopka
Online recorded Zoom workshop 
Saturday October 26, 2024
10AM-1PM Pacific, 1PM-4PM Eastern

Natalie is a remarkable instructor, smart, encouraging, organized and her popular workshops make pigments and paints so accessible.  We are thrilled to have her teach us how to create your own paints using lake pigments and the humble soy bean. Join us for a half-day of guided information as Natalie demonstrates making pigments and then transforms them into beautiful paints suitable for cloth, paper and other applications.

Easy How-To Make A Lake Pigment

Lots of you have asked us for a how-to on making lake pigments. We thought we’d skip an amateur tutorial from us and go straight to the pro… Lake pigment queen Natalie Stopka! If you don’t know Natalie, she’s an artist and educator who works in collaboration with the materials and forces of the natural world. Her drawings and prints incorporate plant dyes and historical pigments, which provide a seasonally evolving vocabulary of texture and color. We’ve been pretty obsessed with her work since the day we met her. For more information on lake pigments – their myriad hues, chemistry, … Read more

You Asked, Kathy Answered: Canning Dyes

We get lots of emails from customers about challenges with dyeing and needing Botanical Colors’ President Kathy Hattori’s help. Why not share the learning so we can all benefit? From our inboxes to you, it’s simple: You Asked, Kathy Answered. Email questions@botanicalcolors with your plea for help! YOU ASKED: Today I picked the last of the Goldenrod from our pasture and am wondering if it is possible to make an extract from the dye? I am familiar with lake pigments but understand that is not the same thing as an extract and I won’t be able use it for dyeing … Read more