Sunday Visit With Artist & Educator Natalie Stopka

This week for Sunday Visit, we caught up with artist and educator Natalie Stopka (the mad scientist of lake pigments), in her upstate New York studio. In said studio, there are jars and vials of unusual color and tools for making extraordinary art. Natalie is pretty darn clear that these jars aren’t for show. They’re not time capsules of color. They’re 100% for making art and pushing what color and pigment can do. And after following her for years, we also love the dichotomy that is Natalie Stopka. That she loves lightfastness and fading. That she can talk about synthetic … Read more

Video From FEEDBACK FRIDAY: Natalie Stopka + Tilke Elkins

Last week we had a FEEDBACK FRIDAY alumni discussion with Natalie Stopka and Tilke Elkins! The two returned to FEEDBACK FRIDAY to have a conversation on ruderal plant color, orphaned materials and forging relationships through materiality at the margins. The two discussed unwanted, discarded, or simply forgotten things and following intuition as a practice of emergent design.  If you’ve never been to a FEEDBACK FRIDAY featuring two former presenters in discussion you’re in for a treat. Watch the recording below. Check out these three previous matchups: Preserving history with Narayan Khandekar + Porfirio Gutíerrez Mapping Color With Sasha Duerr + Maibe … Read more

Video From LIVE FEEDBACK FRIDAY: Ayobami Adeyemo

This week’s FEEDBACK FRIDAY was with Ayobami Adeyemo. Ayobami Adeyemo is a textile researcher/artist who studies and experiments with different dyestuffs and textile making processes. He has worked on the Indigo Shade Map team to research and study different plants that produce indigo all over the world. As of now, he is managing his own personal project dubbed “Ore mi” which is Yoruba for “my friend” as a means of learning more about natural dye processes and communication through textiles. We met Ayobami through Rosa Chang, MICA and the Indigo Shade Map, an evolving online, interactive site that maps the … Read more