Lake Pigments for Painting with Soy with Natalie Stopka

Lake Pigments for Painting with Soy with Natalie Stopka
Online recorded Zoom workshop 
Saturday October 26, 2024
10AM-1PM Pacific, 1PM-4PM Eastern

Natalie is a remarkable instructor, smart, encouraging, organized and her popular workshops make pigments and paints so accessible.  We are thrilled to have her teach us how to create your own paints using lake pigments and the humble soy bean. Join us for a half-day of guided information as Natalie demonstrates making pigments and then transforms them into beautiful paints suitable for cloth, paper and other applications.

Organic Soybeans

Mordant Monday: I’m Soy Happy!

In today’s Mordant Monday (excuse the awful pun – I found it online), we check out how to use soy as a binder for natural dyes and pigments. Before the widespread use of acrylic paints and mediums, artists had ingredients from the natural world to use for painting and printing on paper and canvas. They used a wide range of natural binders including tree sap, milk, egg, oils, minerals and other substances that helped pigments stay attached to substrates. In Japan, soybeans are the most common binder for textile work, and it serves as a sizing to add body to … Read more

Organic Soybeans

MORDANT MONDAY: Whey As A Mordant?

We get mordant questions all the time at Botanical Colors so why not create Mordant Monday??? Got mordanting questions? Email [email protected] YOU ASKED: I started reading India Flint’s book Eco Colour. She mentioned that whey could be used as a mordant but didn’t say how. I do make cheese on occasion and am always looking for something to do with the whey. Have you ever used it? If so, how? KATHY ANSWERED: Whey is usually acidic and contains protein and minerals. It might be considered one of those ingredients that helps dye molecules attract to fibers, like casein (milk protein), … Read more

Organic Soybeans

MORDANT MONDAY: Is Soy Milk a Mordant?

We get mordant questions all the time at Botanical Colors so why not create Mordant Monday??? Got mordanting questions? Email [email protected] YOU ASKED: I am working with earth pigments specifically clay. I am trying to wrap my head around the use of soy as a binder/mordant. Is a coating of soy necessary as an initial application? Then using pigment. Mixed with soy as design than a coating of soy over the whole dried material? Or what?? KATHY ANSWERED: Soy is used as a binder, a “glue” really, to attach clay and earth pigments to a fabric surface. It is not … Read more