Your journey into the world of natural dyes begins here!
We are so excited to have you! Bookmark this page to refer back to it as you explore everything in your kit!
What’s In Your Kit
Natural Dyes
- Logwood liquid
- Madder extract
- Fustic extract
- Marigold or other seasonal raw dyestuffs
Mordants and Assists
- Aluminum Triformate
- Iron
- Ground Oak Galls
- Soda Ash
- Citric Acid
Getting Started
Before you get started dyeing, there are some terms all budding dyers should be aware of so you’re not confused while reading recipes! That way when you see the word “mordant” your eyes don’t glaze over and you’re ready to roll!
Natural Dyeing Glossary
Confused about a term you see on one of our pages? Find out what it means here.
How to Mordant with Aluminum Triformate
Mordanting is the most important process of preparing fibers to accept color.
How to Dye: Ideas and Recipes for your Kit
Find basic instructions for all of your dyes here!
Dye Flower Instructions
Flowers such as weld, coreopsis, dahlias, sulfur cosmos, marigold, sunflower and dyer’s chamomile are all considered dye flowers.
Liquid Dye Instructions
These dyes are convenient, easy to use, and produce beautiful, harmonious colors.
Natural Dye Extract Instructions
We obtain yellow and purple from exotic dye woods, red from the cochineal bug and brown from a sweet-smelling resin.
Oak Galls Instructions
Alone, oak galls make a light beige color. When dipped in an iron afterbath, the color quickly changes to a gray shade.
Iron Instructions
Iron (Ferrous Sulfate) is used as a color shifter and to increase lightfastness when used in combination with other natural dyes.
Our Favorite Recipes
Curious about specific recipes to follow? Try these as jumping off points.
Project Ideas
Some more ideas to spark your imagination!