blue yarn over an indigo vat in a white bucket

3 Tips to Lower Water Use When Natural Dyeing

  Growing Blue reports that 2.5 billion people (36% of the world population) live in water-scarce regions and more than 20% of the global GDP is already produced in risky, water-stressed areas. Given today’s accelerated pace of human development and the slow pace of managing issues as complex as water resources, tomorrow’s challenges are already at our door. For this year’s Water Quality Month, whether individual, collective, agriculturally focused or industrially inclined, addressing water scarcity begins with you. We’ll call it (cough) the ripple effect. While you work on some possible real-life scenarios for making change, we’ve created 3 tips … Read more

Berlin-Based Blond and Bieber Create Stunning Algae Dyes

We found this amazing article today on Dezeen featuring Berlin design studio Blond and Bieber. The duo uses algae to create colorful dyes for textile printing and has just won a competition for young designers organized by Lodz Design Festival. The studio’s founders Essi Johanna Glomb and Rasa Weber have also created an analogue textile-printer that produces its own dye using different types of algae. Another interesting point about this? Dezeen says in the article that “the prints are photo sensitive and change tone over time when exposed to sunlight, creating a ‘biodynamic colour palette.’” Read more on Dezeen here and … Read more

Cellulose Scour

FEEDBACK FRIDAY: This Week in Natural Dye Questions

Each week, we are emailed with questions from our natural dye community asking simple and complex questions that we thought might be worth sharing. Here are a handful from this week answered by natural dyer in chief, Kathy Hattori, Founder of Botanical Colors: I’m having trouble getting alum to dissolve. Even at 10% the solution was cloudy. This time I tried making a paste with boiling water but it still feels pretty crunchy. I’m amazed at how much pigment washes away. Using acid dyes I am used to seeing very little to no pigment in my wash water. I’m doing … Read more

Organic Soybeans

MORDANT MONDAY: Is Soy Binder In The Whole Plant?

We get mordant questions all the time at Botanical Colors so why not create Mordant Monday??? Got mordanting questions? Email [email protected] YOU ASKED: I am growing soybeans to make soy milk to use as a binding agent and am wondering if it’s possible that the entire plant contains the necessary proteins, or if it’s solely in the beans? KATHY ANSWERED: If you do a search on soybean leaves and protein, a lot of information comes up. It appears as if the leaves contain protein but I don’t have the training to translate how much protein and what quality it is … Read more

FEEDBACK FRIDAY: This Week in Natural Dye Questions

Each week, we are emailed with questions from our natural dye community asking simple and complex questions that we thought might be worth sharing. Here are a handful from this week answered by natural dyer in chief, Kathy Hattori, Founder of Botanical Colors: I am curious if there is a way to thicken the liquid dye and use it for painting on fabric. Any info is much appreciated. There are a number of vegetable based thickeners or gums that are used in printing and painting. We offer an organic printing gum that is easy to use and offers excellent thickening … Read more