Sunday Visit: The Storytellers Studio Coat with Jody Alexander

For Sunday Visit, Botanical Colors sits down for an interview with a luminary in the natural dye, textile and art world. This week we visit with the inimitable Jody Alexander who has an upcoming workshop with us! Grab a cup of tea and settle in to learn about someone you never knew! Catch up on all our Sunday Visits here. We are so excited to host you this October! Can you tell us a little bit about the origin of the Studio Storyteller Coat? I love the ethos of mending and repair as a thread that ties your work together. We … Read more

Sunday Visit: Julie Beeler of Mushroom Color Atlas

For this week’s Sunday Visit we caught up with Julie Beeler of the Mushroom Color Atlas. Julie is a designer, artist, educator and Oregonian who grew up with a deep love for and curiosity about the natural world. Julie says she experiments with the unpredictability of plants and fungi by growing and harvesting, observing and foraging, as well as tethering herself to nature’s seasons. You might know remember Julie from her FEEDBACK FRIDAY presentation or her Mushroom Color Atlas poster and dye marks we sell. You might also just know here from taking one of her incredible classes. She has … Read more

Sunday Visit: Salvation Through Soy with John Marshall

For Sunday Visit, Botanical Colors sits down for an interview with a luminary in the natural dye, textile and art world. This week we visit with none other than internationally known and revered textile artist John Marshall, an expert in Japanese textile techniques and all around funny guy. Grab a cup of tea and settle in to learn about someone you never knew! Catch up on all our Sunday Visits here. Cara: I had a really fun time visiting your website and learning a little bit about your history, You have had an amazing practice and career. Can you tell us … Read more

Mordant Monday: A Rainbow Compilation!

We wanted to compile all of our rainbow tutorials so you could have access to them all in the same place. We love creating them for you, and seeing the beautiful creations you make with your tutorials. Please tag us on social media so we can see what you make! Try making the rainbow yourself!

You Asked, Kathy Answered: Reusing a Liquid Logwood Dye Bath

We get lots of emails from customers about challenges with dyeing and needing Botanical Colors’ President Kathy Hattori’s help. Why not share the learning so we can all benefit? From our inboxes to you, it’s simple: You Asked, Kathy Answered. Email questions@botanicalcolors with your plea for help! YOU ASKED: I am learning to use dye blankets in my botanical prints. I want to make a logwood pot that would be used multiple times. Here are my varied questions: Thanks for your time. LOVE your website and helpful info, to say nothing of the Beginners Dye Kit. Taking the cold water … Read more

Earth Day is April 22

1969, the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland caught fire. Although it wasn’t the first time the river burned, it became the symbol of the desperate condition of American waterways choked by pollution and spurred the passage of the Clean Water Act. A year later, 20 million Americans rallied on April 22 – the first Earth Day and the birth of the present day environmental movement. 42 years later, the environmental challenges are great, but we have many opportunities to take action. Here is the statement from the Earth Day website For Earth Day 2012 we are mobilizing the planet simply to … Read more

INTERVIEW: Donna Hardy of Sea Island Indigo

272 years after the first successful indigo crop was planted in the Carolina colonies, Donna Hardy of Sea Island Indigo got an idea to research and track down the original strain of indigo plants that were grown in colonial Charleston. Her research and persistence located a few remaining varieties in isolated areas that had been grown for generations: a pretty but humble shrub hiding its secret blue dye. Armed with a handful of seeds and the offer of a plot of land and free goat manure, Donna started her first crop of indigo and was overjoyed when she tested them … Read more

You Asked, Kathy Answered: Does Ceriops Oxidize?

We get lots of emails from customers about challenges with dyeing and needing Botanical Colors’ President Kathy Hattori’s help. Why not share the learning so we can all benefit? From our inboxes to you, it’s simple: You Asked, Kathy Answered. Email questions@botanicalcolors with your plea for help! YOU ASKED: For instructions on your ceriops page, it says to “dip the cloth into the ceriops vat for 5 minutes. Lift the cloth from the vat and hang (either above the dye vat or over a collecting pan so that the dye can be returned to the dye vat) until dripping stops. … Read more