This week on FEEDBACK FRIDAY: The science of pH and your indigo vat, painting with indigo flowers and reusing that mordant bath
FEEDBACK FRIDAY: This Week in Natural Dye Questions
This week: Botanical Colors founder Kathy Hattori with her own musings and color recipes inspired by The Art and Science of Natural Dyes by Joy Boutrup and Catharine Ellis
FEEDBACK FRIDAY: This Week in Natural Dye Questions
Each week, we are emailed with questions from our natural dye community asking simple and complex questions that we thought might be worth sharing. Here are a handful from this week answered by natural dyer in chief, Kathy Hattori, Founder of Botanical Colors: After using the 1-2-3 indigo dye vat, do you need to mordant the now blue skein before you overdye with yellow to get green or madder to get purple? If you are overdyeing with a dye that does not require a mordant (like walnut hulls, for example), then you do not need to mordant after indigo dipping. … Read more
EILEEN FISHER’s GREEN EILEEN Turns to Natural Dyes (That Means Us!)
GREEN EILEEN is an initiative of the EILEEN FISHER COMMUNITY FOUNDATION, a non-profit organization that supports systematic changes that positively impact women and girls around the world. The branch is a recycled clothing program that extends the life of timeless EILEEN FISHER garments which are re-sold at both the Seattle and Irvington, New York GREEN EILEEN stores and all money made goes to support the non-profit programs in which the company strongly believes in. Enter Botanical Colors. Kerri Ulloa of Seattle’s GREEN EILEEN holding an EILEEN FISHER tank top dyed using Botanical Colors’ very own Indigo While GREEN EILEEN is … Read more