Video From FEEDBACK FRIDAY: Jessie Mordine Young

Last week we had textile artist and educator Jessie Mordine Young. We love all of Jessie’s projects but were really drawn to her “A Weaving a Day” series where she is weaving 365 individual pieces to document her practice. She says: “On January 1st, 2023, I will embark on my next long form weaving project, one that is far more ambitious than anything I have done previously in my creative career and truthfully, in my life. I will create one woven drawing each day for an entire year. One woven artwork per day, for 365 days. This is my promise.”  … Read more

Video From Live FEEDBACK FRIDAY: Sara Goodman

Our last FEEDBACK FRIDAY was with textile artist and natural dyer Sara Goodman whose textile background is pretty prolific including helping to get the Symplocos Project off the ground in Indonesia, serving on the Board of Directors of the Goodweave Foundation and teaching for decades the art of weaving and natural dyeing. Sara talked about her work and travels in pursuit of textiles around the world and now as Dye Studio Manager at New Hampshire based Sanborn Mills Farm’s being part of a team teaching traditional crafts and farming methods. Did we mention she also just co-founded the Northern New … Read more

Video From LIVE FEEDBACK FRIDAY: Mixed Color

This week’s FEEDBACK FRIDAY was with Mixed Color Founder Christi Johnson. Christi’s textile studio is based in the foothills of the Catskills in New York. The studio provides functional pieces that are thoughtfully made, as well as serves as a platform to teach skills in sewing, embroidery, and natural dyeing so that others may do so themselves. Her book, Mystical Stitches, explores embroidery as a tool for personal empowerment and magical embellishment. Her online workshops explore stitching, clothing, and fibers as an opportunity for creative expansion and expression. Watch the video below: Check out the Mixed Color website here. And … Read more