Our last FEEDBACK FRIDAY we had artist Yasuna Iman who uses art as a vessel for reflection. Based in Berlin, Yasuna (b.1995) is a multidisciplinary artist developing a visual abstract language on natural paper and wood, using handmade botanical pigments, rust, plants, and other raw materials sourced in the natural world.
Yasuna says “We can learn to embrace our own fragility and fleetingness in the same way we are accustomed to celebrating them in the natural world.”
Watch the video here:
Links to connect with Yasuna:
Yasuna Iman (b.1995) is a multidisciplinary artist developing a visual abstract language on natural paper and wood, using handmade botanical pigments, rust, plants, and other raw materials sourced in the natural world. Born and raised in Paris, France, she studied Art History at the University of La Sorbonne and graduated with a BA in 2016. Self-taught artist, she now lives and works in Berlin.
Her focus on nature as the primary source of inspiration started in 2018 when she was introduced to natural dyeing in the realm of textile. She immediately began obsessively experimenting with plants and food scraps, painting on paper with the color extracted from them. She finished the pieces with a signature black line, a blind drawing from tree contemplation.
Since the genesis of this painting series and although her work has expanded to other artistic languages, Yasuna has consistently been intentional about involving the natural evolution of botanical pigments as a fundamental part of her work, drawing parallels between the transformative qualities of the natural world and the human experience.
If you are not familiar with FEEDBACK FRIDAY, every week, we speak with dyers, artists, scientists and scholars about our favorite topic, natural dyeing and color. Curated by Amy DuFault, Botanical Colors’ Sustainability Director and presented by Botanical Colors’ Founder Kathy Hattori.
We even have our own theme song thanks to musician Jimmie Snider (click here to hear more of his music)!