Sunday Visit: Meet our newest team member Zach!

For Sunday Visit, Botanical Colors sits down for an interview with a luminary in the natural dye, textile and art world. This week we’re really excited to introduce our newest team member Zach. Zach works with us in our dye house and is an experienced and talented dyer himself. Read a little bit about him and his inspirations below.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. How is it working with Botanical Colors?

I am Washington raised and a recent graduate with a focus in technical apparel design. I am deeply appreciative of the natural world and am constantly drawing inspiration from it. Being able to utilize my creative and tactile skills while aiding in sustainable practices in fashion is a dream come true. 

Why natural dyes? What first drew you to the medium?

One of my classmates introduced me to natural dyeing and piqued my interest in the medium. During the sourcing process of my capstone collection I was struggling to find a fabric in the particular color that I desired. With my organic themes it only made sense for me to take it a step further and incorporate natural dyeing techniques into my process. 

What is your practice outside of working with Botanical Colors?

One of my favorite things to do is secondhand shopping. It had a heavy influence on my interest in fashion and I am fortunate to have access to so many different options. I enjoy new experiences in many forms whether that be going to concerts, bars, restaurants, or parks.

Photography by Emily Un

What is your favorite natural color at the moment?

Deep red madder

Last song on your Spotify.

Paper Bag – Fiona Apple

Zach dyed this gorgeous collection with Cutch + Iron, Try your hand at this great combo

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