A Pantone Inspired Airbnb Fit For Color Enthusiasts

We haven’t acknowledged the Pantone color of the year enough so we’re glad to see others who are and in the most fun of applications. Stay tuned for a natural dye recipe we’ll be creating soon where you can achieve this color for your own design projects. According to Dezeen, “Pantone has collaborated with Airbnb to fill a London home with planting and projects that match its verdant 2017 colour of the year. “Pantone had announced the tone which it describes as a “tangy yellow-green”, as its pick for colour of the year in Decembe 2016. The annual selection is … Read more

Video From LIVE FEEDBACK FRIDAY: Emily Carris-Duncan of The Art Dept

This week’s FEEDBACK FRIDAY was with Emily Carris-Duncan of The Art Dept. Emily talked about the practice of using natural dyes to tell historical stories. As you all asked, Emily created this PDF for us of African American Quilt Researchers. Watch the video recording here: Emily says: “Much of my work is born out of a search for self and a desire to heal historical wounds. As a trans-racially adopted black queer, non binary person raised in modern America my story is incomplete, riddled with holes; a result of malicious neglect and the casualty of power, supremacy, domination, and shame. … Read more

FEEDBACK FRIDAY: This Week in Natural Dye Questions

Each week, we are emailed with questions from our natural dye community asking simple and complex questions that we thought might be worth sharing. Here are a handful from this week answered by natural dyer in chief, Kathy Hattori, Founder of Botanical Colors: 1. When scouring fabrics, is it ok to use a washing machine (hot water setting) if the fabric is too large (approximately 1 yard) for the stockpot or does it always need to be simmered in the pot on the stove? Will you see a difference in terms of cleanness of the fabric? Cleaning the fabric prior … Read more

Deep Color: The Shades That Shape Our Souls

Video From FEEDBACK FRIDAY: Keith Recker’s Deep Color: The Shades That Shape Our Souls

Last week on FEEDBACK FRIDAY, we welcomed writer, editor and trend and color forecaster Keith Recker who talked about his new book Deep Color: The Shades That Shape Our Souls. Drawing from chapters in his soon to be released book Deep Color, Keith’s talk looked at the positive and negative layers of meaning maintained by black, red and blue. Through examples from history both remote and recent, the messages telegraphed by these colors become clearer and more interesting!  These three colors are just a preview of Deep Color, which runs through nine color families, but in the q&a period, we … Read more

You Asked, Kathy Answered: Hapa-Zome + Overdyeing Indigo

We get lots of emails from customers about challenges with dyeing and needing Botanical Colors’ President Kathy Hattori’s help. Why not share the learning so we can all benefit? From our inboxes to you, it’s simple: You Asked, Kathy Answered. Email questions@botanicalcolors with your plea for help! YOU ASKED: When doing hapa-zome with fresh indigo leaves, do I need to treat the fabric with soda ash prior to hammering the leaves? KATHY ANSWERED: I have not heard about using soda ash with fresh indigo printing. The instructions and method that I’ve used is to get a piece of silk fabric, … Read more

You Asked, Kathy Answered: A Strange Result With Logwood

We get lots of emails from customers about challenges with dyeing and needing Botanical Colors’ President Kathy Hattori’s help. Why not share the learning so we can all benefit? From our inboxes to you, it’s simple: You Asked, Kathy Answered. Email questions@botanicalcolors with your plea for help! Thanks to Amy Tucker Studio for this week’s questions! YOU ASKED: I was instructing an eco printing workshop this weekend, and I was using logwood for the carrier blankets and I had a strange occurrence. I attached some photos to show what it looked like and what happened. I extracted the color from … Read more

FEEDBACK FRIDAY: This Week in Natural Dye Questions

Each week, we are emailed with questions from our natural dye community asking simple and complex questions that we thought might be worth sharing. Here are a handful from this week answered by natural dyer in chief, Kathy Hattori, Founder of Botanical Colors: When working with iron on a larger scale, what is the best and safest methodology? I’m working on a project that is not big enough to requesting a dye house, so working out of a very large container (the size of a bathtub) and although I wear gloves, goggles and a (very basic) breathing mask, sometimes I … Read more

The Dogwood Dyer: Dyeing with Thanksgiving Leftovers!

The Dogwood Dyer knows food waste and is a master at turning what most would throw away, into things of beauty. We asked Liz Spencer, the driving force behind The Dogwood Dyer, if she could put together a how-to for us using onion skins. She came back to us with this Dyeing with Thanksgiving Leftovers: An Artful Approach to Onion Skins tutorial.If you follow Liz, you know she offers an amazing subscription called A Year In Natural Dyes. This month it’s all about food waste and what you see below is just the tip of the iceberg! Sign up to … Read more

MORDANT MONDAY: Hair Dyeing, Dog Toys & Sticky Angora

We get mordant questions all the time at Botanical Colors so why not create Mordant Monday??? Got mordanting questions? Email [email protected] (Image: The Dogwood Dyer) YOU ASKED: Hi there! I’m interested in your products, particularly the cochineal, and I’m wondering if I can use it for dyeing my hair. If so, do the same instructions work that are listed here? I’ve seen The Dogwood Dyer’s instructions here and it sounds like she’s putting the alum directly in the dye. I’d like to achieve a pink color like what she did. I’d so appreciate if you could help me understand exactly how … Read more


Every Sunday for Sunday Visit, Botanical Colors sits down for an interview with a luminary in the natural dye, textile and art world. Grab a cup of tea and settle in to learning about someone you never knew! Catch up on all our Sunday Visits here. This week we sit down with Ian Allen Greer to talk proving the world wrong with bright pops of color with natural dyes! Give us your origin story, why natural dyes – what drew you to this medium? I fell in love with the world of natural dyeing as a way to reconnect with nature. … Read more