10 Natural Dye Instagram Feeds We Can’t Get Enough Of

What are the 10 natural dye Instagram feeds we can’t get enough of?? All of these people! We love being inspired by our community and to see who is doing what and where! While some of these feeds are a little new to Instagram, others are seasoned members and continue to inspire. Here are 10 natural dye Instagram feeds we can’t stop going back to but are no means the complete list. Who have we forgotten? Let us know and we’ll add on! And don’t forget to find us on Instagram as well as Botanical Colors! A Verb For Keeping … Read more

The Top 5 Natural Dye Stories That Had You Clicking…

Each week, we take a look at the last to see what the stories were on our Facebook and Twitter feeds that had you clicking through. Here are the top 5 that had some resonance with you! Natural Dyes and Papermaking on The Fiber Wire: “These natural dye experiments started with standing in line at the store, my cart overflowing with stainless steel pots, the woman behind me chuckling, ‘Looks like someone’s doing some cooking!’ I smiled and replied that, yes, I had a lot of cooking ahead of me. I decided not to mention what I’d be cooking – cotton.” … Read more